Wednesday, 26 January 2011

2nd Step to getting noticed

Lets start where I left off, Recruitment Agencies...

So what do they do? I don't hear you shouting... Well they receive a fee for selling you off to someone, much like Oliver Twist. To start off it won't get much better than that as an intern, unless you happen to land a salary paid job straight away, then you are Fagin, promoted to responsibility along with all the pressure that comes with it.

It is their job to find employers the right worker for their company and to fit in with their standards and ethos. They do all the sifting, and are subsequently paid for this service. The reputation of that recruitment agency very much depends on its success at finding and hand delivering strong candidates to the client (so its skill at recruiting) otherwise no one will use them and they will be unemployed too, now that would be irony at its best! You need to make a good impression with these guys. It's like traveling up a downward escalator to a job at the top, the more energy you use the more you get noticed however stopping is fatal as you slide down below any competition into the pit of obscurity at the bottom, which is also where your laces get caught. The trick is to constantly stay in contact, make the agency know how important you are to them without sounding arrogant, also appreciate their efforts if they find you opportunities.

Secondly is the 1st Step to getting noticed....

Be different. Even if it's by being a bit backwards, be unusual be anything that breaks you apart from the endless flock of job seekers. This of course begins with the almighty Curriculum Vitae. Ok think of a business card, that's one of the smallest possible ways for you to advertise yourself. On that bit of card, or whatever material you choose, you can do anything. This is not just any space, (No I'm not digressing into an M&S ad) it's an opportunity to advertise YOU and demonstrate your beautiful mind on the smallest possible platform. So if you can weave enough magic into a business card to gain a client think about the potency of a C.V, it really is potion for you to mesmerize your employers, hopefully with just one taste.


I think you have to either be as clever and creative or as simple and factual as you can be, they are two polar opposites when it comes to a successful C.V. The beauty of simplicity is that people like something that gives it to them straight, that is why no one likes politicians. But when you see something clever and out of the ordinary you remember it, as long as it's for the right reasons. Take my C.V for example; it's printed on gold card, that should perspire positivity and superiority for a start, and should hopefully lure prospective employers into glancing at the content, which too is carefully placed. I designed the layout so that my strongest attributes are what you see first, my degree, then the relevant, but not necessarily exciting, information is smaller in size. In general the size and position of the content should correlate to its importance.

BUT my Piece-de-Resistance is the tear-off coffee mat. Yea you heard me, a coffee mat. I put all the useful information about me i.e name, website, number etc... and placed it in the corner, surrounded by a dashed boarder. I then used a perforator and traced around the square boarder, thus creating a tearable drink mat. The idea here is that the C.V can be discarded however the useful information can be torn off and held onto, because for no less of a reason, it is useful in an office to have a coffee mat. 'Form follows function', a rule to always abide by. The Function is to make my details last, the Form to do so is to create a coffee mat, simple.

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